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Computer Basics Practice Test 117

User Interface Concepts Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 117

The e-Book User Interface Concepts Quiz Questions, user interface concepts quiz answers PDF download, chapter 14-117 to study free computer basics online courses. Practice Operating Systems MCQ with answers PDF, User Interface Concepts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The User Interface Concepts Quiz App Download: Free learning app for mainframe computers, window desktop types, storage devices files, computer applications, user interface concepts test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: Data that is copied from an application is stored in a; "User Interface Concepts" App Download (Free) with answers clipboard, driver, terminal and prompt for online computer engineering classes. Solve operating systems questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online computer science and engineering.

User Interface Concepts Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 117

MCQ 581: Data that is copied from an application is stored in a

  1. driver
  2. clipboard
  3. terminal
  4. prompt

MCQ 582: In computer, CAT stands for

  1. computerized axial topography
  2. computer aided topography
  3. computer aided translation
  4. computer adaptive test

MCQ 583: A large memory can further be installed, known as

  1. conventional
  2. primary memory
  3. expanded memory
  4. ROM

MCQ 584: Ctrl + Alt + Del is

  1. an invalid key combination
  2. recognized by Windows only
  3. used to close the active window
  4. used to refresh a program

MCQ 585: In a traditional mainframe environment, each user accesses the mainframe's resources through a device called a

  1. node
  2. terminal
  3. switch
  4. hub

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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