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Computer Basics Practice Test 105

ISO and OSI Models Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 105

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ISO and OSI Models Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 105

MCQ 521: Layer of computer OSI model which provides services that directly supports user application is

A) application
B) presentation
C) transport
D) physical

MCQ 522: The MS-DOS operating system is a

A) command line interface
B) single user interface
C) single tasking interface
D) all of these

MCQ 523: Input device which has monitor screen covered with the flexible layer is

A) touch screen
B) light pen
C) digitizer
D) mouse

MCQ 524: In a computer, ALU can perform

A) addition
B) subtraction
C) multiplication
D) all of these

MCQ 525: Main purpose of computer secondary storage device is to

A) calculate data
B) temporary store data
C) permanently store data
D) output of information

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

ISO and OSI Models Learning App & Free Study Apps

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ISO and OSI Models App (Android & iOS)

ISO and OSI Models App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

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Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)

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