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Measuring and Improving Drive Performance MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Measuring and Improving Drive Performance MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Basics Tests. Study Data Storage Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Measuring and Improving Drive Performance quiz answers PDF to learn online certification courses. The Measuring and Improving Drive Performance MCQ App Download: Free learning app for storage devices basics, storage devices files, measuring and improving drive performance, storage device types test prep for computer science associate degree.

The MCQ: Time to move the read/write heads to a spot on the medium is defined as the; "Measuring and Improving Drive Performance" App Download (Free) with answers: Read time; Transfer time; Seek time; Average access time; to learn online certification courses. Practice Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for 2 year computer science degree.

Measuring and Improving Drive Performance MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Component which connects a disk drive to the computer's bus is

  1. a hard disk
  2. a drive interface
  3. a sensor
  4. a standard
MCQ 2:

Time to move the read/write heads to a spot on the medium is defined as the

  1. read time
  2. transfer time
  3. seek time
  4. average access time
MCQ 3:

Drive access time is measured in

  1. nanoseconds
  2. milliseconds
  3. microseconds
  4. pico seconds
MCQ 4:

A place in a system unit that allows the transfer of data between a variety of devices and the computer, is

  1. drive
  2. keyboard
  3. ROM
  4. port
MCQ 5:

The term EIDE stands for

  1. enhanced internal drive electronics
  2. enhanced integrated drive electronics
  3. enhanced interfaced drive electronics
  4. enhanced iconic drive electronics

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Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Learning App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Measuring and Improving Drive Performance App (Android & iOS)

Measuring and Improving Drive Performance App (Android & iOS)

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