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Computer Architecture Practice Test 145

Pipelining: Basic and Intermediate Concepts Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 145

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Pipelining: Basic and Intermediate Concepts Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 145

MCQ 721:

A floating-point divider, a floating-point multiplier, and a floating-point adder are the parts of a

  1. floating-point multiplier
  2. floating-point unit
  3. floating-point divider
  4. floating-point adder
MCQ 722:

Which one of the following is used to implement virtual memory organisation

  1. temporal locality
  2. spatial locality
  3. MMU
  4. page table
MCQ 723:

The instruction following the branch is always executed before the PC is modified to perform the branch is known as

  1. delayed branch
  2. branch hazard
  3. structural hazard
  4. data hazard
MCQ 724:

The main purpose of having memory hierarchy is to

  1. provide large capacity
  2. reduce access time
  3. reduce propagation time
  4. reduce access time & provide large capacity
MCQ 725:

Which RAID is also called mirroring or shadowing as it includes two copies of every piece of data

  1. RAID-0
  2. RAID-1
  3. RAID-2
  4. RAID-3

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Pipelining Basic and Intermediate Concepts App (Android & iOS)

Pipelining Basic and Intermediate Concepts App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture App (iOS & Android)

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DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

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