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Computer Architecture Online Tests

Disk Storage and Dependability Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Disk Storage and Dependability Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Disk Storage and Dependability MCQ PDF download to learn free computer architecture online courses. Practice Thread Level Parallelism Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Disk Storage and Dependability quiz answers PDF to learn e-learning courses. The Disk Storage and Dependability MCQ App Download: Free learning app for ia 32 instructions, models of memory consistency, shared memory architectures, synchronization basics test prep for CS major.

The MCQ: Private data that is used by a single-processor, then shared data are used by; "Disk Storage and Dependability" App Download (Free) with answers single processor, multi-processor, single tasking and multi-tasking to learn e-learning courses. Study disk storage and dependability quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college classes.

Disk Storage and Dependability MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Private data that is used by a single-processor, then shared data are used by

A) single processor
B) multi-processor
C) single tasking
D) multi-tasking

MCQ 2: Width of an object like a double-word will be having a size of

A) 2 bytes
B) 4 bytes
C) 7 bytes
D) 8 bytes

MCQ 3: Jumping back to calling routine in MIPS is represented as

A) jl $ra
B) jr $ra
C) jump $ra
D) jmp $ra

MCQ 4: Grouping the 16 functional units into four groups and supplying a set of buses, called

A) resuming
B) data trunks
C) control trunks
D) deeper pipelining

MCQ 5: Networking infrastructure, which can be scaled to 100,000 ports or 1 petabit/sec of

A) sharding
B) power data unit
C) power distribution unit
D) bisection bandwidth

Computer Architecture Practice Tests

Disk Storage and Dependability Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Disk Storage and Dependability App (Android & iOS)

Disk Storage and Dependability App (Android & iOS)

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