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C++ Practice Test 6
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The MCQs: In C++ a name that is assigned by a user for a program elements such as variable, type, class, function or namespaces is called; "Increment and Decrement Operator" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Identifiers; Operators; Literals; for online certificate programs. Practice Introduction to C++ Programming Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for top computer science schools in the world.
In C++ a name that is assigned by a user for a program elements such as variable, type, class, function or namespaces is called
Programming language which sometimes called 'write once, run any where is
To make large programs more manageable programmers modularize them into subprograms that are called
Language in which single statements can be written to accomplish substantial tasks is termed as
Unsigned integers in C++ are
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