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BBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

BBA Business Statistics Practice Test 88

Sampling Distribution in Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 88

The Sampling Distribution in Statistics MCQ with Answers PDF (Sampling Distribution in Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-88 to prepare BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Study Sampling Distributions Test PDF, Sampling Distribution in Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online business administration degree classes. The Sampling Distribution in Statistics MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for sampling distribution in statistics, types of statistical methods, classification: measures of dispersion, central tendency measures, introduction of estimation test prep to learn e-learning courses.

The MCQ: If the p is equal to 0.65, the value of N is 25000 whereas the sample size is 50 then the value of standard deviation of sample proportion is; "Sampling Distribution in Statistics" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 0.0045; 0.0056; 0.0065; 0.045; for online business administration degree classes. Practice Sampling Distributions Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for master's degree in business administration.

Sampling Distribution in Statistics MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 88

MCQ 436:

If the p is equal to 0.65, the value of N is 25000 whereas the sample size is 50 then the value of standard deviation of sample proportion is

  1. 0.0056
  2. 0.0045
  3. 0.0065
  4. 0.045
MCQ 437:

The subset of selected population is called

  1. descriptive portion
  2. elementary portion
  3. inferential portion
  4. sample
MCQ 438:

The inter quartile range and the coefficients of range are two categories of

  1. average deviation measures
  2. availability measures
  3. average measures
  4. distance measures
MCQ 439:

The value of Σfd is 165, A= 25, and width of class interval is 10, arithmetic mean is 145 then the number of observations are

  1. 35
  2. 36
  3. 34
  4. 32
MCQ 440:

The knowledge of possible errors, point estimate and the degree of confidence is classified as

  1. interval estimation
  2. confidence interval
  3. hypothesis testing
  4. both a and b

BBA Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

Sampling Distribution in Statistics Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Sampling Distribution in Statistics App (Android & iOS)

Sampling Distribution in Statistics App (Android & iOS)

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