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College Biology Practice Test 44

Cell Membrane Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 44

The Cell Membrane MCQ with Answers PDF (Cell Membrane Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-44 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Study Cell Biology Test PDF, Cell Membrane Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for SAT subject tests. The Cell Membrane MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for cell membrane, coordination in animals, plants: growth and development, animals reproduction, skeleton deformities test prep for online graduate programs.

The MCQ: Substances are allowed to pass through the cell membrane to maintain a constant; "Cell Membrane" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Gradient; Concentration; Temperature; Ph; for SAT subject tests. Practice Cell Biology Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online colleges that offer financial aid.

Cell Membrane MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 44

MCQ 216:

Substances are allowed to pass through the cell membrane to maintain a constant

  1. concentration
  2. gradient
  3. temperature
  4. Ph
MCQ 217:

Receptors which produce the sensation of pain are

  1. Thermoreceptors
  2. Chemoreceptors
  3. Mechanoreceptors
  4. Nociceptors
MCQ 218:

Synthesis of cytoplasm and cell wall material takes place during

  1. maturation
  2. cell division
  3. elongation
  4. differentiation
MCQ 219:

The internal lining of the uterus wall is called

  1. endometrium
  2. peritoneum
  3. epithelium
  4. edothelium
MCQ 220:

The sudden physical trauma to the spine while bending or lifting heavy weight can lead to

  1. rickets
  2. herniation
  3. realignment
  4. kwashiorkor

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Cell Membrane Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Cell Membrane App (Android & iOS)

Cell Membrane App (Android & iOS)

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College Biology App (iOS & Android)

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