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College Biology Practice Test 128

Body Disorders Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 128

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Body Disorders MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 128

MCQ 636:

Necrosis due to blockage by embolus leads to

  1. hypertension
  2. cerebral infarction
  3. myocardial infarction
  4. stroke
MCQ 637:

Heat shock proteins encircle enzymes as self-defense and protect the plant against temperature above

  1. 10 °C
  2. 20 °C
  3. 30 °C
  4. 40 °C
MCQ 638:

Vitamins are synthesized within the plant body in the presence of

  1. light
  2. heat
  3. cold
  4. fog
MCQ 639:

The plants which produce flowers, fruits and seeds are from class

  1. angiospermae
  2. gymnospermae
  3. schlerenchyma
  4. none of others
MCQ 640:

The pathway of the passage of impulse during a reflex action is called

  1. reflex path
  2. reflex way
  3. reflex arc
  4. reflex passage

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Body Disorders Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Body Disorders App (Android & iOS)

Body Disorders App (Android & iOS)

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