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College Biology Practice Test 85

Study of Biology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 85

The e-Book Study of Biology Quiz Questions, study of biology quiz answers PDF download, chapter 9-85 to study free biology online courses. Practice Grade 11 Biology MCQ with answers PDF, study of biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Study of Biology Quiz App Download: Free learning app for study of biology, animals: growth and development, plants reproduction test prep for best accredited online colleges.

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Study of Biology Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 85

MCQ 421: The process of production of identical copies of organisms asexually is

A) tissue culturing
B) vitro-fertilization
C) cloning
D) transgenic organisms

MCQ 422: The morula stage changes into

A) gastrula
B) neurula
C) interphase
D) blastula

MCQ 423: The effective temperature considered in vernalization is

A) around 1 °C
B) around 4 °C
C) around 2 °C
D) around 10 °C

MCQ 424: Cloning will be subjected to serious moral questions if applied to

A) reptiles
B) humans
C) birds
D) mammals

MCQ 425: The plant which flower without being influenced by photoperiod is a

A) long day plants
B) short day plants
C) day neutral plant
D) noble plants

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