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College Biology Practice Test 328

Zygote Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 328

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Zygote Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 328

MCQ 1636: The baby resulting from zygote as a result of in-vitro fertilization outside the female body is known as

  1. fraternal twin
  2. identical twin
  3. test tube baby
  4. genetic baby

MCQ 1637: The process of formation of germ layers is called

  1. fertilization
  2. gastrulation
  3. gamete formation
  4. growth

MCQ 1638: Fertilization in chick normally takes place just as the ovum is entering the

  1. uterus
  2. ureter
  3. oviduct
  4. ovary

MCQ 1639: The message is transmitted across the synapse in the form of chemical messengers called

  1. neuro hormones
  2. neurotransmitters
  3. neuro receptors
  4. neuro senders

MCQ 1640: Hydrolytic enzymes which help in dissolving food particle are present on

  1. mitochondria
  2. golgi complex
  3. lysosomes
  4. ribosome's

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