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College Biology Practice Test 319

Nucleus Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 319

Free Nucleus Quiz Questions and Answers, nucleus Quiz MCQs PDF, chapter 3-319 to study online biology degree programs. Study Cell Biology MCQ Questions PDF, nucleus Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: Nucleus Trivia App Download & e-Book for nucleus, support in plants, plants reproduction, platyhelminthes, nucleic acids test prep for completely online college.

The Quiz: Diploid chromosome number is found in normal body cell whereas haploid is found in; "Nucleus" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers brain cells, germ cells, meristematic cells and sensory cells to learn e-learning courses. Practice cell biology questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for completely online college.

Nucleus Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 319

MCQ 1591: Diploid chromosome number is found in normal body cell whereas haploid is found in

A) germ cells
B) brain cells
C) meristematic cells
D) sensory cells

MCQ 1592: The commercial cork is obtained from the bark of a tree-like

A) conifers
B) quercus suber
C) mango tree
D) banana tree

MCQ 1593: The requirement of the length of the dark period for cocklebur is

A) 11-15 h
B) 12-20 h
C) 20-22 h
D) 10-11 h

MCQ 1594: The well developed nervous system of Platyhelminthes composed of a network of

A) tracts
B) ducts
C) veins
D) ganglia

MCQ 1595: The nucleotide in DNA are united with one another by a linkage called

A) ester linkage
B) di ester linkage
C) phosphodiester linkage
D) peptide linkage

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Nucleus Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Nucleus App (Android & iOS)

Nucleus App (Android & iOS)

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