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College Biology Practice Test 294

Animals Reproduction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 294

The e-Book Animals Reproduction Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Animals Reproduction MCQs PDF download, chapter 16-294 to learn free biology online courses. Study Reproduction quiz answers PDF, animals reproduction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Animals Reproduction MCQs App Download: Free educational app for animals reproduction, coordination in animals test prep for colleges that offer online courses.

The MCQs: Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in; "Animals Reproduction" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers aphid, hydra, honey bee and mosquito to learn certification courses online. Practice reproduction questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for schools that offer online bachelor degrees.

Animals Reproduction Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 294

MCQ 1466: Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in

A) hydra
B) aphid
C) honey bee
D) mosquito

MCQ 1467: The pairing of an irrelevant stimulus with a natural primary stimulus that elicits an automatic response is

A) habituation
B) imprinting
C) conditioning
D) learning

MCQ 1468: Powdery mildews, potato wilt, apple scab are all diseases caused by

A) jelly fish
B) algae
C) fungi
D) hydra

MCQ 1469: Transitions between sleep and wakefulness are influenced by certain neurons in

A) medulla
B) hippocampus
C) thalamus
D) pons

MCQ 1470: The function of the oxytocin hormone is to induce

A) secretion of sweat
B) labor pain
C) pupil dilation
D) high blood pressure

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Animals Reproduction Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Animals Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

Animals Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

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