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Financial Management Practice Test 1

Weighted Average Cost of Capital Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download

The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Weighted Average Cost of Capital Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-1 to prepare Financial Management Practice Tests. Solve Cost of Capital MCQ with answers PDF, Weighted Average Cost of Capital Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for master's degree in business administration. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Quiz App Download: Free learning app for weighted average cost of capital, financial institutions and corporations, income statements, types of common stock, risk free savings rate test prep for online business administration degree classes.

The Quiz: During the planning period, a marginal cost for raising a new debt is classified as; "Weighted Average Cost of Capital" App Download (Free) with answers: Relevant cost; Debt cost; Borrowing cost; Embedded cost; for master's degree in business administration. Learn Cost of Capital Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study finance certificate courses.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 1

MCQ 1:

During the planning period, a marginal cost for raising a new debt is classified as

  1. debt cost
  2. relevant cost
  3. borrowing cost
  4. embedded cost
MCQ 2:

The corporations such as Citigroup, American Express and Fidelity are classified as

  1. financial services corporations
  2. common service corporations
  3. preferred service corporations
  4. commercial service corporations
MCQ 3:

An annual estimated costs of assets uses up every year are included

  1. depreciation and amortization
  2. net sales
  3. net profit
  4. net income
MCQ 4:

The shares or stocks which are protected against withdrawals of funds by an original stock owners are classified as

  1. protected shares
  2. founders shares
  3. withdrawal shares
  4. original shares
MCQ 5:

The second mortgages pledged against bond's security are referred as

  1. loan mortgages
  2. medium mortgages
  3. senior mortgages
  4. junior mortgages

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

Weighted Average Cost of Capital Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Weighted Average Cost of Capital App (Android & iOS)

Weighted Average Cost of Capital App (Android & iOS)

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