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Applied Physics Online Tests

viscous Drag and Strokes Law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book viscous Drag and Strokes Law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, viscous Drag and Strokes Law MCQ PDF download to learn free physics online courses. Study Fluid Dynamics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), viscous Drag and Strokes Law quiz answers PDF to study distance learning courses. The viscous Drag and Strokes Law MCQ App Download: Free learning app for viscous drag and strokes law, fluid flow, equation of continuity, applications of bernoullis equation test prep for best SAT prep courses online.

The MCQ: Viscosity of air at 30 °C is; "viscous Drag and Strokes Law" App Download (Free) with answers 0.019, 1.295, 0.514 and 2.564 to study distance learning courses. Practice viscous drag and strokes law quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for two year degree programs.

viscous Drag and Strokes Law MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Viscosity of air at 30 °C is

A) 0.019
B) 1.295
C) 0.514
D) 2.564

MCQ 2: Viscosity of the ethanol at 30 °C is

A) 0.801
B) 1
C) 1.6
D) 6.29

MCQ 3: Frictional effect between the layers of flowing fluid is known as

A) viscosity
B) friction
C) gravity
D) surface tension

MCQ 4: Force required to slide one layer from another measures the

A) viscosity
B) friction
C) gravity
D) surface tension

MCQ 5: An object moving through the liquid facing the retarding force is named as

A) viscosity
B) friction
C) drag force
D) surface tension

Applied Physics Practice Tests

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