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Applied Physics Practice Test 19

EMF and Potential Difference Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 19

The EMF and Potential Difference Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (EMF and Potential Difference Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-19 to solve Applied Physics Practice Tests. Learn Current Electricity MCQ Questions PDF, EMF and Potential Difference Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study e-learning courses. The EMF and Potential Difference Trivia App Download: Free educational app for emf and potential difference, communication satellites, projectile motion, force on moving charge, solving physics problem test prep for two year degree programs.

The Quiz: EMF is an abbreviation of; "EMF & Potential Difference" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Electrical motive force; Electromotive force; Electronic motive force; for two year degree programs. Study Current Electricity Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online college for teaching degree.

EMF & Potential Difference Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 19

MCQ 91:

EMF is an abbreviation of

  1. electromotive force
  2. electrical motive force
  3. electronic motive force
  4. both a and b
MCQ 92:

A satellite covers the longitude of the earth up to

  1. 110°
  2. 120°
  3. 150°
  4. 180°
MCQ 93:

Height of projectile is given by the formula

  1. 2as = Vf² - Vi²
  2. 2 = Vf² - Vi²
  3. 2s = Vf² - Vi²
  4. 2a = Vf² - Vi²
MCQ 94:

When charged particle is projected opposite to the direction of magnetic field, it experiences force equal to

  1. qvB × cosθ
  2. qvB × sinθ
  3. qvB
  4. zero
MCQ 95:

Dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity is

  1. ML-1T-1
  2. ML-1T-2
  3. ML-2T-1
  4. ML-1T

Applied Physics Exam Prep Tests

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EMF & Potential Difference App (Android & iOS)

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