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Modern Physics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 85

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Modern Physics Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 85

MCQ 421: The max K.E of photo electrons depend upon light's

A) intensity
B) frequency
C) wavelength
D) energy

MCQ 422: Error that occurs during the measurement of quantities is

A) random error
B) systematic error
C) frequent error
D) both a and b

MCQ 423: The system international for describing units was built up from

A) 2 kind of units
B) 3 kind of units
C) 4 kind of units
D) 5 kind of units

MCQ 424: Force that keeps positive and negative charges together is known as

A) electric field
B) electrostatics
C) electric force
D) coulombs law

MCQ 425: When the charge of 90 C passes through wire in 1 hour 15 min, its current will be

A) 10 mA
B) 20 mA
C) 30 mA
D) 40 mA

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