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Applied Physics Practice Test 19

EMF and Potential Difference Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 19

The e-Book EMF and Potential Difference Quiz Questions and Answers, emf and potential difference Quiz MCQs PDF download, chapter 5-19 to study free physics online courses. Study Current Electricity MCQ Questions PDF, emf and potential difference Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The EMF and Potential Difference Trivia App Download: Free educational app for emf and potential difference, communication satellites, projectile motion, force on moving charge, solving physics problem test prep for two year degree programs.

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EMF & Potential Difference Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 19

MCQ 91: EMF is an abbreviation of

A) electromotive force
B) electrical motive force
C) electronic motive force
D) both a and b

MCQ 92: A satellite covers the longitude of the earth up to

A) 110°
B) 120°
C) 150°
D) 180°

MCQ 93: Height of projectile is given by the formula

A) 2as = Vf² - Vi²
B) 2 = Vf² - Vi²
C) 2s = Vf² - Vi²
D) 2a = Vf² - Vi²

MCQ 94: When charged particle is projected opposite to the direction of magnetic field, it experiences force equal to

A) qvB × cosθ
B) qvB × sinθ
C) qvB
D) zero

MCQ 95: Dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity is

A) ML-1T-1
B) ML-1T-2
C) ML-2T-1
D) ML-1T

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