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Physics Problems MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Physics Problems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Physics Problems MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Applied Physics Tests. Learn Electromagnetic Induction in Physics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Physics Problems quiz answers PDF to study e-learning courses. The Physics Problems MCQ App Download: Free learning app for work done by a constant force, power in physics, conservation of energy test prep for online degree programs.

The MCQ: If a brick having mass 2 kg is dropped from height of 5 m, its velocity at a height of 3 m will be; "Physics Problems" App Download (Free) with answers: 5 m s-1; 5.6 m s-1; 6.3 m s-1; 8.4 m s-1; to study e-learning courses. Practice Physics Problems Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges for science.

Physics Problems MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

A man of mass 30 kilograms climbs the stairs of height 5 meters in 4 seconds. The power output produced will be

  1. 367.5 W
  2. 36 W
  3. 370 W
  4. 397.5 W
MCQ 2:

If a brick having mass 2 kg is dropped from height of 5 m, its velocity at a height of 3 m will be

  1. 5 m s-1
  2. 5.6 m s-1
  3. 6.3 m s-1
  4. 8.4 m s-1
MCQ 3:

10 bricks each having mass of 1.5 kg with thickness of 6 cm will have work done to stack the bricks

  1. 9 J
  2. 6 J
  3. 3 J
  4. 0 J
MCQ 4:

2 kg ball moving with the velocity of 5 m s-1 collides with 4 kg ball at rest. The velocities of both balls after collision will be

  1. 2.66 and 3.33
  2. 1.66 and 4.22
  3. 1.66 and 1.33
  4. 1.66 and 3.33
MCQ 5:

A ball is thrown from height of 10m with the velocity 21 m s-1, it will hit the ground at

  1. 30 m s-1
  2. 31 m s-1
  3. 32 m s-1
  4. 35 m s-1

Applied Physics Practice Tests

Physics Problems Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Physics Problems App (Android & iOS)

Physics Problems App (Android & iOS)

College Physics App (Android & iOS)

College Physics App (iOS & Android)

SAT Physics App (Android & iOS)

SAT Physics App (Android & iOS)

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O Level Physics App (iOS & Android)