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Simplex Preliminaries MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Simplex Preliminaries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Simplex Preliminaries MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Business Mathematics Tests. Learn Simplex and Computer Solution Method Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Simplex Preliminaries quiz answers PDF for online business masters programs. The Simplex Preliminaries MCQ App Download: Free learning app for dual simplex method, simplex preliminaries test prep for online schools for business management degrees.

The MCQ: In the method of solving by enumeration, the two variables should be set as zero are classified as; "Simplex Preliminaries" App Download (Free) with answers: Basic constant; Non basic constant; Optimal variable; Non basic variables; for online business masters programs. Practice Simplex Preliminaries Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Simplex Preliminaries MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

In the method of solving by enumeration, the m constraints must be changed into equations by

  1. adding slack variables
  2. subtracting slack variables
  3. multiplying slack variables
  4. dividing slack variables
MCQ 2:

In the method of solving by enumeration, the two variables should be set as zero are classified as

  1. basic constant
  2. non basic constant
  3. optimal variable
  4. non basic variables
MCQ 3:

In minimization problem, the better solution can be formed if positive quantities are assigned to

  1. positive basic variables
  2. negative basic variables
  3. negative non-basic variables
  4. positive non-basic variables
MCQ 4:

In the less than or equal to constraint equations, the variable which is used to balance both side of equations is classified as

  1. solving variable
  2. condition variable
  3. slack variable
  4. positive variable
MCQ 5:

The column in the simplex initial table used to represent new basic variable is classified as

  1. column variable
  2. key column
  3. key row
  4. row variable

Business Mathematics Practice Tests

Simplex Preliminaries Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Simplex Preliminaries App (Android & iOS)

Simplex Preliminaries App (Android & iOS)

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