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BBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

BBA Business Statistics Practice Test 62

Central Tendency Measures MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 62

The Central Tendency Measures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Central Tendency Measures MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-62 to solve BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Study Measures of Central Tendency quiz answers PDF, Central Tendency Measures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelors degree in business online. The Central Tendency Measures MCQs App Download: Free educational app for central tendency measures, statistics questions answers, kurtosis in business statistics, probability rules, structured data test prep for online colleges for business management.

The MCQs: Considering all the observations of arithmetic mean, the sum of squares of deviations must be less than; "Central Tendency Measures" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Sum of deviations from other quantity; Sum of multiples of other quantity; Sum of squares from other quantity; Cumulative frequency from other quantity; for bachelors degree in business online. Practice Measures of Central Tendency Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business administration degree.

Central Tendency Measures MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 62

MCQ 306:

Considering all the observations of arithmetic mean, the sum of squares of deviations must be less than

  1. sum of multiples of other quantity
  2. sum of deviations from other quantity
  3. sum of squares from other quantity
  4. cumulative frequency from other quantity
MCQ 307:

If the value of λ is 9 and value of random variable x is 5 then the value of z-score is

  1. −2.58
  2. −1.86
  3. −2.34
  4. −1.34
MCQ 308:

In kurtosis, the frequency curve that has flatten top than normal curve of bell shaped distribution is classified as

  1. leptokurtic
  2. platykurtic
  3. mega curve
  4. mesokurtic
MCQ 309:

The probability of the events must lie in the limits of

  1. one to two
  2. two to three
  3. one to two
  4. zero to one
MCQ 310:

According to the types of questionnaires, the structured undisguised questionnaire is the one in which the purpose of study is

  1. non-interval respondents
  2. disclosed to respondents
  3. not disclosed to respondents
  4. none of above

BBA Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

Central Tendency Measures Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Central Tendency Measures App (Android & iOS)

Central Tendency Measures App (Android & iOS)

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