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Business Mathematics Online Tests

Inverse of a Matrix MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Inverse of a Matrix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Inverse of a Matrix MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Business Mathematics Tests. Study Matrix Algebra Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Inverse of a Matrix quiz answers PDF for bachelors in business online. The Inverse of a Matrix MCQ App Download: Free learning app for types of matrices, inverse of a matrix, inverse matrix test prep for online business and management degree.

The MCQ: In the systems of equation, the equations are linearly dependent if; "Inverse of a Matrix" App Download (Free) with answers: A<sup>-2</sup> must exists; A<sup>-1</sup> does not exist; A<sup>-3</sup> does not exist; A<sup>-4</sup> must exist; for bachelors in business online. Practice Inverse of a Matrix Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online school of business administration.

Inverse of a Matrix MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The system of equation in the form of AX = B is solved for solution set as

  1. A-1AX = A-1B
  2. B-1AX = A-1B
  3. AB-1AX = AB-1X
  4. X-1AB = A-1BX
MCQ 2:

In the systems of equation, the equations are linearly dependent if

  1. A-2 must exists
  2. A-1 does not exist
  3. A-3 does not exist
  4. A-4 must exist
MCQ 3:

In adjacency matrix, each node has one row and

  1. one column
  2. two columns
  3. three columns
  4. four columns
MCQ 4:

In Gaussian reduction procedure, the matrix A is augmented with an identity (mxm) as

  1. (A | I)
  2. (B | N)
  3. (B | I)
  4. (I | B)
MCQ 5:

The relationships of nodes are to be summarized in a matrix which is classified as

  1. unequal matrix
  2. equal matrix
  3. adjacency matrix
  4. adjacent matrix

Business Mathematics Practice Tests

Inverse of a Matrix Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Inverse of a Matrix App (Android & iOS)

Inverse of a Matrix App (Android & iOS)

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