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Anthropology Basics Practice Test 87

Cultural Anthropology Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 87

The Cultural Anthropology Trivia Questions with Answers PDF (Cultural Anthropology Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 87 to study Anthropology online course. Study Cultural MCQ Questions PDF, cultural anthropology Test for distance learning programs. The Cultural Anthropology Trivia App Download: Free learning app for feminist anthropology, agriculture of anthropology, cultural anthropology test prep to learn online educational courses.

The Quiz: Which of the following lists contains an item that would not be used to define social class; "Cultural Anthropology" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Social connections, parental occupation and lifestyle; Education, lifestyle, income and occupation; Education, wealth and social circle; Occupation, wealth, gender and education; to learn online educational courses. Practice cultural questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accelerated online degrees.

Cultural Anthropology Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 87

MCQ 431:

Which of the following lists contains an item that would not be used to define social class?

  1. Education, lifestyle, income and occupation
  2. Social connections, parental occupation and lifestyle
  3. Education, wealth and social circle
  4. Occupation, wealth, gender and education
MCQ 432:

The study of indigenous systems of knowledge about plants is

  1. Zoology
  2. Ethnobotnay
  3. Archeology
  4. None of these
MCQ 433:

Feminist anthropology focused on

  1. Women and women's
  2. women and male
  3. Male and Female
  4. All of the above
MCQ 434:

Which theory makes us understand that "group mind" and "individual mind" are different from each other?

  1. Trotters Theory
  2. Freudian Theory
  3. None of these
MCQ 435:

Which of the following terms is consistent with the definition ?Integration is managed differently for different groups??

  1. Multiculturalism
  2. Integration
  3. Assimilation
  4. Conformity

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