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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 113

Orbiting Charges Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 113

The e-Book Orbiting Charges Quiz Questions, orbiting charges quiz answers PDF download, chapter 5-113 to study free igcse physics online courses. Practice Charged Particles MCQ with answers PDF, orbiting charges Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Orbiting Charges Quiz App Download: Free learning app for orbiting charges, acceleration calculations, magnetic field in physics, compression and tensile force, x-ray images test prep for colleges that offer online degrees.

The Quiz: According to the equation ‘r = (mv)⁄(Be)’, the faster moving particles; "Orbiting Charges" App Download (Free) with answers move straight, move in smaller circle, move in bigger circle and move randomly to study online tutor courses. Solve charged particles questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online college courses.

Orbiting Charges Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 113

MCQ 561: According to the equation ‘r = (mv)⁄(Be)’, the faster moving particles

  1. move in smaller circle
  2. move straight
  3. move in bigger circle
  4. move randomly

MCQ 562: If a car starting from rest reaches a velocity of 18 ms-1 after 6.0 s then its acceleration is

  1. 1 ms-2
  2. 2 ms-2
  3. 3 ms-2
  4. 4 ms-2

MCQ 563: A flat coil and solenoid has

  1. different fields
  2. same physical properties
  3. same fields
  4. same chemical properties

MCQ 564: Extension and applied force are

  1. directly proportional
  2. inversely proportional
  3. are independent of each other
  4. inversely related

MCQ 565: Type of x-rays used to detect break in bone is

  1. hard
  2. soft
  3. both A and B
  4. moderate

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Orbiting Charges App (Android & iOS)

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