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Magnetic Flux and Density MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Magnetic Flux and Density Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Magnetic Flux and Density MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE A Level Physics Tests. Study Electromagnetism and Magnetic Field Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Magnetic Flux and Density quiz answers PDF to learn online schools courses. The Magnetic Flux and Density MCQ App Download: Free learning app for magnetic, electric and gravitational fields, si units relation, magnetic flux and density test prep for SAT subject test tutoring.

The MCQ: F = BIL can only be used if the magnetic field and electric current are; "Magnetic Flux and Density" App Download (Free) with answers: At right angles to each other; In same direction; Anti-parallel to each other; Anti-perpendicular to each other; to learn online schools courses. Practice Magnetic Flux and Density Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for SAT subject test tutoring.

Magnetic Flux and Density MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Strength of magnetic field is known as

  1. flux
  2. density
  3. magnetic strength
  4. magnetic flux density
MCQ 2:

F = BIL can only be used if the magnetic field and electric current are

  1. at right angles to each other
  2. in same direction
  3. anti-parallel to each other
  4. anti-perpendicular to each other
MCQ 3:

1 Tesla is equal to

  1. 50 N A-1 m-1
  2. 100 N A-1 m-1
  3. 1 N A-1 m-1
  4. 1000 N A-1 m-1
MCQ 4:

Flux density is defined by

  1. FIL
  2. F⁄(IL)
  3. IL
  4. I⁄FL
MCQ 5:

If the Earth's magnetic field lines pass through the Hall probe in opposite direction, then the change in reading of voltmeter is

  1. thrice the Earth's magnetic flux density
  2. four times the Earth's magnetic flux density
  3. five times the Earth's magnetic flux density
  4. twice the Earth's magnetic flux density

IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests

Magnetic Flux and Density Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Magnetic Flux and Density App (Android & iOS)

Magnetic Flux and Density App (Android & iOS)

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