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Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE A Level Chemistry Tests. Study Periodicity Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements quiz answers PDF to learn online courses. The Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements MCQ App Download: Free learning app for electronegativity of period 3 oxides, oxides of period 3 elements, chemistry: oxides test prep for best GRE prep courses online.

The MCQ: Potassium oxide is a/an; "Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements" App Download (Free) with answers: Acidic oxide; Basic oxide; Amphoteric oxide; Neutral oxide; to learn online courses. Practice Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online schools that offer certificate programs.

Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The oxidation number of Period 3 element arises until it reaches the element

  1. Aluminum (Al)
  2. Phosphorus (P)
  3. Sulfur (S)
  4. Silicon (Si)
MCQ 2:

Potassium oxide is a/an

  1. acidic oxide
  2. basic oxide
  3. amphoteric oxide
  4. neutral oxide
MCQ 3:

The greater the difference in electronegativity of Oxygen and Period 3 elements, the highly likely is the formation of

  1. Ionic bonds
  2. Covalent bonds
  3. Dative Covalent Bonds
  4. Metallic bonds
MCQ 4:

The acidic molecules formed by non-metals of Period 3, act as

  1. acids
  2. bases
  3. alkali
  4. oxide
MCQ 5:

Which of the given metals of Period 3 use the outer shell electrons in bonding with Chlorine?

  1. Sodium (Na)
  2. Aluminum (Al)
  3. Silicon (Si)
  4. all of above

IGCSE A Level Chemistry Practice Tests

Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements App (Android & iOS)

Oxides and Hydroxides of Period 3 Elements App (Android & iOS)

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