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IGCSE A Level Biology Online Tests

Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE A Level Biology Tests. Study Mammalian Transport System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima quiz answers PDF for science degrees online. The Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima MCQ App Download: Free learning app for a level biology, cardiovascular system, arteries and veins, tunica externa, tunica media and intima test prep for completely online college.

The MCQ: The distinctive characteristic of an artery wall is its; "Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima" App Download (Free) with answers: Strength only; Elasticity only; Rigidity; Strength and elasticity; for science degrees online. Practice Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for completely online college.

Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Smooth muscles do not found in

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. tunica medium
MCQ 2:

The distinctive characteristic of an artery wall is its

  1. strength only
  2. elasticity only
  3. rigidity
  4. strength and elasticity
MCQ 3:

Smooth muscles, collagen, and elastic fibers are found in

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. inner endothelium
MCQ 4:

The layer of the arteries and vessels minimize the friction with the blood is referred to as

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. inner endothelium
MCQ 5:

The inner coat in mammals is referred to as

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. tunica medium

IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Tests

Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima App (Android & iOS)

Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima App (Android & iOS)

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