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Types of Bacterial Infections Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 75

The Types of Bacterial Infections Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Types of Bacterial Infections Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-75 to solve Microbiology Practice Tests. Learn Pathogenesis MCQ Questions PDF, Types of Bacterial Infections Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor of science in microbiology. The Types of Bacterial Infections Trivia App Download: Free learning app for mycobacteria, gene and gene therapy, bacterial diseases transmitted by food, insects and animals, medically important viruses classification, types of bacterial infections test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: If an infection has a worldwide distribution it is termed as; "Types of Bacterial Infections" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Latent; Epidemic; Pandemic; Endemic; for online college classes. Study Pathogenesis Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for best online universities.

Types of Bacterial Infections Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 75

MCQ 371:

If an infection has a worldwide distribution it is termed as

  1. epidemic
  2. latent
  3. pandemic
  4. endemic
MCQ 372:

Hepatitis B virus is a member of a family

  1. adenovirus
  2. papillomavirus
  3. parvovirus
  4. hepadnavirus
MCQ 373:

Reservoir for the mycobacterium bovis is

  1. ticks
  2. goats
  3. cows
  4. cattle's
MCQ 374:

In the therapeutic process, the nucleic acid is delivered in the patient s cell as a drug to recover a disease the process is known as

  1. drug therapy
  2. physiotherapy
  3. gene therapy
  4. chemotherapy
MCQ 375:

Atypical mycobacterium that can produce colonies in the dark are named as

  1. Photochromogens
  2. Scotochromogens
  3. Non chromogens
  4. Rapidly growing mycobacterium

Microbiology Exam Prep Tests

Types of Bacterial Infections Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Types of Bacterial Infections App (Android & iOS)

Types of Bacterial Infections App (Android & iOS)

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