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Microbiology Practice Test 41

Structure and Growth of Fungi Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 41

The e-Book Structure and Growth of Fungi Quiz Questions, structure and growth of fungi quiz answers PDF download, chapter 1-41 to study free microbiology online courses. Practice Basic Mycology MCQ with answers PDF, Structure and Growth of Fungi Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Structure and Growth of Fungi Quiz App Download: Free learning app for size and shape of virus, replication in viruses, gram positive cocci, opportunistic mycoses, structure and growth of fungi test prep for accredited distance learning universities.

The Quiz: Diameter of candida is nearly; "Structure and Growth of Fungi" App Download (Free) with answers 4 µm, 2 µm, 6 µm and 6.4 µm to study online classes courses. Solve basic mycology questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online degrees.

Structure and Growth of Fungi Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 41

MCQ 201: The diameter of candida is nearly

A) 2 µm
B) 4 µm
C) 6 µm
D) 6.4 µm

MCQ 202: A fungus that causes a tuberculosis type disease in AIDS patients is named as

A) Penicillium marneffei
B) Penicillium notatum
C) Penicillium G
D) Aspergillus

MCQ 203: A pore-forming toxin that especially damages the white blood cells are known as

A) P-V leukocidin
B) Exfoliatin
C) Enterotoxins
D) Exotoxin

MCQ 204: The retrovirus and influenza virus replicates in

A) Cytoplasm
B) Nucleases
C) Nucleus
D) Mitochondria

MCQ 205: A single glycoprotein that is present in the prion having an approximate molecular weight ranges from

A) 27000-30000
B) 2500-3000
C) 3000-3500
D) 4000-4500

Microbiology Exam Prep Tests

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