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General Zoology Certification Exam Tests

General Zoology Practice Test 9

Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 9

The Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-9 to prepare General Zoology Practice Tests. Solve Chemical Basis of Animals Life MCQ with answers PDF, Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online certificate courses. The Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms Quiz App Download: Free learning app for molecules of animals, vertebrates nervous system, amphibian embryology, hormones of vertebrates: birds and mammals, compounds and molecules: aggregates of atoms test prep for online university.

The Quiz: If an atom gains or loses an electron from an electric charge, the resulting bond is called; "Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms" App Download (Free) with answers: Covalent bond; Ionic bond; Hydrogen bond; Peptide bond; for online certificate courses. Learn Chemical Basis of Animals Life Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online professional courses.

Compounds and Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 9

MCQ 41:

If an atom gains or loses an electron from an electric charge, the resulting bond is called

  1. ionic bond
  2. covalent bond
  3. hydrogen bond
  4. peptide bond
MCQ 42:

In birds, normal development of the feathers is regulated, by

  1. thyroid gland
  2. thyroxin
  3. prolactin
  4. follicle stimulating hormones
MCQ 43:

The process during which the neural tube begins to form is called

  1. morulation
  2. neurulation
  3. gastrulation
  4. blastulation
MCQ 44:

Brain and spinal cord are collectively known as

  1. neurons
  2. schwann cells
  3. nervous system
  4. nerves
MCQ 45:

The molecules that contain carbon atoms are called

  1. inorganic molecules
  2. organic molecules
  3. carbon containing molecules
  4. alkalis

General Zoology Exam Prep Tests

Compounds and Molecules Aggregates of Atoms Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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