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Environmental Science Practice Test 104

Structure and Function of Ecosystem Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 104

The Structure and Function of Ecosystem MCQ with Answers PDF (Structure and Function of Ecosystem Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-104 to prepare Environmental Science Practice Tests. Learn Ecosystems Test PDF, Structure and Function of Ecosystem Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college classes. The Structure and Function of Ecosystem MCQ App Download: Free certification app for hydrosphere, solid waste management, structure and function of ecosystem test prep to learn online courses.

The MCQ: The primary macro-consumers are herbivores, which feeds on; "Structure and Function of Ecosystem" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Minute floating Plants; Animals; Living Plants and plant residue; Decomposers; for online college classes. Practice Ecosystems Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for schools that offer certificate programs.

Structure and Function of Ecosystem MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 104

MCQ 516:

The primary macro-consumers are herbivores, which feeds on

  1. Animals
  2. Minute floating Plants
  3. Living Plants and plant residue
  4. Decomposers
MCQ 517:

How many methods of collection are there in solid waste management?

  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. Five
  4. Six
MCQ 518:

What is the structure of water?

  1. Bihedral
  2. Trihedral
  3. Tetrahedral Arrangement
  4. Singe hedral
MCQ 519:

Lions, tigers are examples of

  1. Primary producers
  2. Primary consumers
  3. Secondary Consumers
  4. Quaternary Consumers
MCQ 520:

Himalaya is formed by

  1. Convergent plates
  2. Divergent plate boundary
  3. Transform fault boundary
  4. Hydrological cycle

Environmental Science Exam Prep Tests

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Structure and Function of Ecosystem App (Android & iOS)

Structure and Function of Ecosystem App (Android & iOS)

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