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Basic Sociology Practice Tests

Basic Sociology Online Tests

Social Change and Great Transformation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Social Change and Great Transformation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Social Change and Great Transformation MCQ PDF Book) download to learn basic sociology online courses. Practice Introducing Sociology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Social Change and Great Transformation quiz answers PDF for colleges and universities exams. The Social Change and Great Transformation MCQ App Download: Free learning app for auguste comte french revolution and positivism, science and western sociology, political change, social change and great transformation test prep for online masters programs.

The MCQ: Sociology may have been born of the industrial revolution but it has fast moved into the; "Social Change and Great Transformation" App Download (Free) with answers cyber revolution, changing, modernization and globlization for colleges and universities exams. Study social change and great transformation quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for accelerated online degrees.

Social Change and Great Transformation MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Sociology may have been born of the industrial revolution but it has fast moved into the

  1. Cyber Revolution
  2. Changing
  3. Modernization
  4. Globlization

MCQ 2: The highlights the way in which human beings are more becoming adapted to and compelled to live with all manner of technologies, is known as

  1. The modern age
  2. The cyber age
  3. The information age
  4. All of the above

MCQ 3: In many countries across the world twenty century has been an extraordinarily rapid

  1. Revolution
  2. Development
  3. Conflict
  4. Social change

MCQ 4: The highlights the rapid growth of production and availability of all kinds of data and information is known as

  1. The modern age
  2. The cyber age
  3. The information age
  4. Knowledge

MCQ 5: The highlights the way in which new ways of communicating and relating have developed mobile phones are called as

  1. The network society
  2. The cyber age
  3. The information age
  4. The virtual age

Basic Sociology Practice Tests

Social Change and Great Transformation Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Social Change and Great Transformation MCQs App to learn Social Change and Great Transformation MCQs, Basic Sociology Learning App, and Human Diversity MCQ Apps. Free "Social Change and Great Transformation" App to download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Social Change and Great Transformation App (Android & iOS)

Social Change and Great Transformation App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (iOS & Android)

Human Diversity App (Android & iOS)

Human Diversity App (Android & iOS)

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Thermodynamics App (iOS & Android)