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IGCSE O Level Physics Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Test 94

Forces and Motion MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 94

The Forces and Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Forces and Motion MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-94 to solve IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests. Study Forces in Physics quiz answers PDF, Forces and Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online schools courses. The Forces and Motion MCQs App Download: Free educational app for forces and motion, heat capacity: physics, temperature scales, power in physics, radiation test prep for best online colleges for teaching degree.

The MCQs: If acceleration or deceleration is zero, force acting on it are; "Forces & Motion" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Unbalanced; Balanced or add up to zero; Balanced but would not add up to zero; Unbalanced and add up to zero; to study online schools courses. Practice Forces in Physics Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Forces & Motion MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 94

MCQ 466:

If acceleration or deceleration is zero, force acting on it are

  1. balanced or add up to zero
  2. unbalanced
  3. balanced but would not add up to zero
  4. unbalanced and add up to zero
MCQ 467:

Formula for specific heat capacity is

  1. c = C/Δθ
  2. c = Q/Δθ
  3. c = C/m
  4. c = Δθ/m
MCQ 468:

Ice point is equal to 0 °C, which is equal to

  1. −273 K
  2. 273 K
  3. 0 K
  4. 526 K
MCQ 469:

An iron of 2000 W uses energy of 240000 J, the time taken by the iron in hours is

  1. 1 hour
  2. 3 hours
  3. 1/2 hour
  4. 2 hour
MCQ 470:

Thermal energy through infrared waves is termed as

  1. Infra heat
  2. Radiant heat
  3. Electromagnetic heat
  4. Vacuumed heat

IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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