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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Test 35

Latent Heat Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 35

The Latent Heat Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Latent Heat Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-35 to solve IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests. Learn Melting and Boiling MCQ Questions PDF, Latent Heat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn e-learning courses. The Latent Heat Trivia App Download: Free educational app for latent heat, work in physics, turning effects of forces conclusion test prep for best GRE prep courses online.

The Quiz: Provided that the latent heat of fusion of a 5.4 kg block of ice has been provided by a heater of 1 kW for 1800 s, the specific latent heat of fusion of ice would then be equal to; "Latent Heat" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 340 kJ ⁄ kg; 333 kJ ⁄ kg; 350 kJ ⁄ kg; 360 kJ ⁄ kg; for best GRE prep courses online. Study Melting and Boiling Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for GRE prep classes.

Latent Heat Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 35

MCQ 171:

Provided that the latent heat of fusion of a 5.4 kg block of ice has been provided by a heater of 1 kW for 1800 s, the specific latent heat of fusion of ice would then be equal to

  1. 333 kJ ⁄ kg
  2. 340 kJ ⁄ kg
  3. 350 kJ ⁄ kg
  4. 360 kJ ⁄ kg
MCQ 172:

A bus travels with a constant force of 5000 N and the work done by the bus is 2500 J, the distance travelled by the bus is

  1. 2 m
  2. 0.5 m
  3. 7500 m
  4. 2500 m
MCQ 173:

Suppose the air is stable and not moving, this would

  1. increase the rate of evaporation
  2. decrease the rate of evaporation
  3. not affect the rate of evaporation
  4. disturb the rate of evaporation
MCQ 174:

The SI unit of moment of force is

  1. N m-1
  2. N m
  3. J, where J is joules
  4. W, where W is watts
MCQ 175:

The pair of two hollow cups is termed as

  1. Galileo hemispheres
  2. Isaac hemispheres
  3. Albert hemispheres
  4. Magdeburg hemispheres

IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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