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Medical Biochemistry Online Tests

Plasma Protein Immunoglobin MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Plasma Protein Immunoglobin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Plasma Protein Immunoglobin MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Medical Biochemistry Tests. Study Plasma Proteins Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Plasma Protein Immunoglobin quiz answers PDF for online bachelor degree programs. The Plasma Protein Immunoglobin MCQ App Download: Free learning app for plasma protein: globulin, blood clotting test prep for online college classes.

The MCQ: The molecular weight of the heavy chains of the Immunoglobin is about; "Plasma Protein: Immunoglobin" App Download (Free) with answers: 20,000-40,000; 53,000-75,000; 60,000-85,000; 32,000-35,000; for online bachelor degree programs. Practice Plasma Protein Immunoglobin Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for best online colleges.

Plasma Protein Immunoglobin MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The heavy chains of the Immunoglobin contain

  1. 320 amino acids
  2. 450 amino acids
  3. 460 amino acids
  4. 477 amino acids
MCQ 2:

The molecular weight of the heavy chains of the Immunoglobin is about

  1. 20,000-40,000
  2. 53,000-75,000
  3. 60,000-85,000
  4. 32,000-35,000
MCQ 3:

The most abundant class of the Immunoglobin is

  1. IgG
  2. IgA
  3. IgE
  4. IgM
MCQ 4:

The number of the amino acids in the light chains of the Immunoglobin is about

  1. 334
  2. 212
  3. 256
  4. 289
MCQ 5:

Immunoglobin molecules consist of

  1. 2 heavy chain s
  2. 2 light chains
  3. 4 heavy chains
  4. Both A and B

Medical Biochemistry Practice Tests

Plasma Protein: Immunoglobin Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Plasma Protein: Immunoglobin App (Android & iOS)

Plasma Protein: Immunoglobin App (Android & iOS)

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