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Sum of n terms of a geometric series Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Sum of n terms of a geometric series Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF, Sum of n terms of a geometric series MCQ PDF Download e-Book to practice College Math Tests. Study Sequences and Series Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Sum of n terms of a geometric series quiz answers PDF to learn online classes courses. The Sum of n terms of a geometric series MCQ App Download: Free learning app for sum of n terms of a geometric series, arithmetic mean (am), arithmetic progression, relation b/w a.m, g.m and h.m test prep for GRE practice test.

The MCQ: The sum of an infinite geometric series exist only if the condition on the common ratio r is; "Sum of n terms of a geometric series" App Download (Free) with answers: −1 < r < 1; −1 ≤ r ≤ 1; R < −1,r > 1; R ≤ −1,r≥ 1; to learn online classes courses. Practice Sum of n terms of a geometric series Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) to learn online certificate courses.

Sum of n terms of a geometric series MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

2¹ + 2² +2³ +….+2n =

  1. 2(2n - 1)
  2. 2(2n-1 -1)
  3. 2(2n+1 -1)
  4. None of Above
MCQ 2:

The sum of an infinite geometric series exist only if the condition on the common ratio r is

  1. −1 < r < 1
  2. −1 ≤ r ≤ 1
  3. r < −1,r > 1
  4. r ≤ −1,r≥ 1
MCQ 3:

The series obtained by adding the terms of geometric sequences is called

  1. harmonic series
  2. geometric series
  3. arithmetic series
  4. infinite series
MCQ 4:

If a,r and an are the first term, common ratio and the nth term respectively of the G.P then an =

  1. arn
  2. arn+1
  3. arn-1
  4. 0
MCQ 5:

No terms of a geometric sequence be

  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 0

College Math Practice Tests

Sum of n terms of a geometric series Textbook App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Sum of n terms of a geometric series App (Android & iOS)

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