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International Relations Practice Test 40

Liberalism and Mercantilism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 40

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Liberalism and Mercantilism MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 40

MCQ 196:

The value of a states import relative to its exports is

  1. Demand Curve
  2. Equilibrium
  3. Balance of trade
  4. Supply curve
MCQ 197:

US Conoco oil company agreed to oil development project in

  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Poland
  4. Thailand
MCQ 198:

UN charter initiate a mechanism for

  1. Relationships
  2. International Law
  3. Collective orders
  4. Collective Security
MCQ 199:

Who create a movement based on nonviolent resistance to the British rule?

  1. Nawaz
  2. Ghandi
  3. Mokalapa
  4. Nehemiah?
MCQ 200:

Formation of a European Political Community in

  1. 1950
  2. 1951
  3. 1952
  4. 1953

International Relations Exam Prep Tests

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