Computer Science Degree Courses

Chapter 15: Computer Fundamentals Exam Tests

Computer Fundamentals MCQs - Chapter 15

Storage Devices and Media Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Storage Devices and Media Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Storage Devices and Media MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-1 to study Computer Fundamentals Course. Practice Types of Storage MCQs, Storage Devices and Media trivia questions and answers PDF for top computer science schools in the world. The Storage Devices and Media MCQs App Download: Free learning app for backing stores career test for online software engineering classes.

The MCQ: Secondary storage memory is basically; "Storage Devices and Media" App Download (Free) with answers: Non volatile memory; Volatile memory; Backup memory; Impact memory; for top computer science schools in the world. Solve Program Documentation Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for CS major.

Storage Devices & Media MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Secondary storage memory is basically

  1. volatile memory
  2. non volatile memory
  3. backup memory
  4. impact memory
MCQ 2:

A piece of data that can be transferred between CPU and backup storage is called

  1. block
  2. stream
  3. cartridge
  4. gap
MCQ 3:

In fixed head discs, sum of rotational delay and transfer time is equals to

  1. access time
  2. delay time
  3. processing time
  4. storage time
MCQ 4:

When power is switched OFF, it will lost its data, such type of memory is classified as

  1. volatile storage
  2. non volatile storage
  3. impact storage
  4. non impact storage
MCQ 5:

Process of reading data from permanent store and writing it to computer's main store is called

  1. saving the data
  2. loading the data
  3. writing the data
  4. reading the data

Storage Devices & Media Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Storage Devices & Media App (Android & iOS)

Storage Devices & Media App (Android & iOS)

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