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Loanable Funds in FMI MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Loanable Funds in FMI Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Loanable Funds in FMI MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Financial Markets Tests. Learn Financial Markets and Funds Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Loanable Funds in FMI quiz answers PDF to study online BBA courses. The Loanable Funds in FMI MCQ App Download: Free learning app for supply of loanable fund, time value of money test prep for online business administration colleges.

The MCQ: The factors that can affect nominal interest rates in financial transactions include; "Loanable Funds in FMI" App Download (Free) with answers: Special provisions; Liquidity and default risk; Inflation and real interest arte; to study online BBA courses. Practice Loanable Funds in FMI Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for accredited online business schools.

Loanable Funds in FMI MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The special provisions that can have adverse or beneficial effects and are reflected in interest rates do not include

  1. tax-ability
  2. covert ability
  3. call ability
  4. inflation premium
MCQ 2:

The factors that can affect nominal interest rates in financial transactions include

  1. special provisions
  2. liquidity and default risk
  3. inflation and real interest arte
  4. all of the above
MCQ 3:

The participants of financial system reduce the demand for their funds if the economic growth in

  1. domestic market is stagnant
  2. domestic market is not stagnant
  3. global market is stagnant
  4. global market is not stagnant
MCQ 4:

The curve representing demand of the funds shifts to the left if economic growth in

  1. global market is stagnant
  2. global market is not stagnant
  3. domestic market is stagnant
  4. domestic market is not stagnant
MCQ 5:

The shift of demand curve to down and then to the left resulting in

  1. support from World Bank
  2. decreases in funds traded
  3. increase in funds traded
  4. rise of international funds

Financial Markets Practice Tests

Loanable Funds in FMI Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Loanable Funds in FMI MCQs App to learn Loanable Funds in FMI Textbook, Financial Markets MCQ App, and Human Resource Management (BBA) MCQ App. The "Loanable Funds in FMI" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Loanable Funds in FMI App (Android & iOS)

Loanable Funds in FMI App (Android & iOS)

Financial Markets App (Android & iOS)

Financial Markets App (iOS & Android)

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