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Electronic Devices Practice Test 2

Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank PDF Download - 2

The Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank (Electronic Devices MCQs PDF e-Book), download test 2 to practice electronic devices placement tests. Practice Electronic Devices MCQ trivia questions, Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online educational courses. The "Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank" App: Free download educational App for electronic devices questions and answers for competitive exams, objective questions mcqs on electronics devices, electronic devices and circuits question bank test prep for undergraduate engineering schools.

The MCQs: System in which there is no stable state is present is called; "Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Monostable; Astable; Distable; Twistable; to learn online educational courses. Solve electronic devices questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for pre employment screening tests.

Electronic Devices MCQ: Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank PDF Download - 2

MCQ 6:

System in which there is no stable state is present is called

  1. astable
  2. monostable
  3. distable
  4. twistable
MCQ 7:

Type of feedback oscillator that is characterized by three RC circuits in the positive feedback loop that produces a phase shift of 180° is called

  1. frequency-shift oscillator
  2. amplitude-shift oscillator
  3. time-shift oscillator
  4. phase-shift oscillator
MCQ 8:

Common drain amplifier is also called

  1. source follower
  2. emitter follower
  3. gate follower
  4. body follower
MCQ 9:

A constant parameter which is always equal to the frequency at which operational amplifier's open loop gain is unity is called

  1. unity bandwidth product
  2. gain bandwidth product
  3. alpha product
  4. beta product
MCQ 10:

Circuit that operates with positive feedback and produces a time varying output signal without an input external signal is called

  1. feed forward oscillator
  2. feedback oscillator
  3. straight back oscillator
  4. open loop oscillator

Career Tests: Electronic Devices Course Prep

Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices and Circuits Question Bank App (Android & iOS)

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