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Control Systems Practice Tests

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MCQ 1: Plot in which magnitude plot is plotted separately from phase response is called

A) magnitude plot
B) bode plot
C) phase plot
D) sinusoidal frequency response plot

MCQ 2: Plot that represents the gain and phase response of a given LTI system for different frequencies is called

A) phase plot
B) magnitude plot
C) bode plot
D) sinusoidal frequency response plot

MCQ 3: Plot in control systems usually made for open loop transfer function is called

A) magnitude plot
B) phase plot
C) bode plot
D) sinusoidal frequency response plot

MCQ 4: Plot of phase versus log w is called

A) magnitude plot
B) phase plot
C) sinusoidal frequency response plot
D) bode plot

MCQ 5: Plot of dB versus log w is called

A) magnitude plot
B) phase plot
C) bode plot
D) sinusoidal frequency response plot

Practice Tests: Control Systems Exam Prep

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