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Android Practice Test 1

Prepare Yourself for Android Developer Interview PDF Download

The e-Book Prepare Yourself for Android Developer Interview, android quiz questions and answers PDF, test 1 to practice android online assessment tests. Solve Android trivia questions, prepare yourself for android developer interview Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Learning App: "Prepare Yourself for Android Developer Interview" App Download for android developer interview questions and answers for freshers, prepare yourself for android developer interview test prep for CS major.

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Android Quiz: Prepare Yourself for Android Developer Interview PDF Download - 1

MCQ 1: One of the operating system that cannot be used for android application development is

  1. Windows
  2. Mac
  3. Linux
  4. Contiki

MCQ 2: A class that allows to display messages on the logcat windows is

  1. Toast Class
  2. Log class
  3. makeTest class
  4. Show class

MCQ 3: One of the recent android version is

  1. Kitkat
  2. Marshmallow
  3. Lolipop
  4. Jelly Bean

MCQ 4: The required Java environment for development is called

  1. JDK
  2. DEX
  3. DVM
  4. API

MCQ 5: In android studio, the virtual console type tab that is used as command line interface is called

  1. memory
  2. CPU
  3. logcat
  4. ADB logs

Career Tests: Android Course Prep

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