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Uniform Circular Motion MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Uniform Circular Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Uniform Circular Motion MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Engineering Physics Tests. Study Two and Three Dimensional Motion Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Uniform Circular Motion quiz answers PDF to learn online schools courses. The Uniform Circular Motion MCQ App Download: Free learning app for projectile motion, uniform circular motion, projectile range test prep for online college admission.

The MCQ: Which of the following does not vary in uniform acceleration; "Uniform Circular Motion" App Download (Free) with answers: Distance; Time; Speed; Velocity; to learn online schools courses. Practice Uniform Circular Motion Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for job placement test.

Uniform Circular Motion MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

When v is the velocity and r is radius of circle, centripetal acceleration is equals to

  1. v/r
  2. v.r
  3. v2/r
  4. r2/v
MCQ 2:

Which of the following does not vary in uniform acceleration?

  1. distance
  2. time
  3. speed
  4. velocity
MCQ 3:

Period of revolution in uniform circular motion is equals to

  1. 2πr
  2. 2πr/v
  3. 2π/v
  4. 2π/r.v
MCQ 4:

Time for a particle to go around a closed path exactly once is termed as

  1. period of partition
  2. period of retardation
  3. period of revolution
  4. period of initialization
MCQ 5:

Acceleration associated with uniform circular motion is called

  1. centripetal
  2. elliptical
  3. circular
  4. linear

Engineering Physics Practice Tests

Uniform Circular Motion Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Uniform Circular Motion App (Android & iOS)

Uniform Circular Motion App (Android & iOS)

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