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Electronic Devices Practice Test 46

Electronics Engineering: Electronic Devices MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 46

The Electronics Engineering Electronic Devices Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Electronics Engineering Electronic Devices MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-46 to solve Electronic Devices Practice Tests. Study Diode Applications quiz answers PDF, Electronics Engineering Electronic Devices Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online college courses. The Electronics Engineering: Electronic Devices MCQs App Download: Free educational app for biasing a diode, varactor diodes, power supply filters, laser diode, electronics engineering: electronic devices test prep for free career quiz.

The MCQ Quiz: LM317 adjustment terminal is not connected to ground but; "Electronics Engineering: Electronic Devices" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Connected to output; Connected to input; Connected to anode of diode; Float to whatever voltage; to learn online college courses. Practice Diode Applications Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for high school entrance exam.

Electronics Engineering: Electronic Devices MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 46

MCQ 226:

LM317 adjustment terminal is not connected to ground but

  1. connected to input
  2. connected to output
  3. connected to anode of diode
  4. float to whatever voltage
MCQ 227:

Light which has a wide band of wavelength is called

  1. coherent
  2. incoherent
  3. infrared
  4. microwave
MCQ 228:

Component prevent changes in filtered DC voltage due to variation in input voltage or load is

  1. current regulator
  2. power regulator
  3. voltage regulator
  4. diode regulator
MCQ 229:

Varactor diodes always operates in

  1. forward biased
  2. reverse biased
  3. floating biased
  4. None of these
MCQ 230:

Process in which appliedreverse biased voltage become equals to breakdown voltage result in drastically increase of reverse current is called

  1. forward breakdown
  2. forward break over
  3. reverse breakdown
  4. reverse break over

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

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Electronics Engineering Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

Electronics Engineering Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices App (iOS & Android)

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