Engineering Courses

Electronic Circuit Design Certification Exam Tests

Electronic Circuit Design Practice Test 26

Zener Diode MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 26

The Zener Diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Zener Diode MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-26 to learn electronic circuit design online course. Study Special Purpose Diodes MCQs Questions PDF, zener diode Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online tutor courses. The Zener Diode MCQs App Download: Free certification app for current in semiconductors, amplifier operation, zener diode test prep for online engineering graduate schools.

The MCQs: The data sheet for a particular zener gives VZ = 10 V at IZ = 500 mA. Z for these conditions is; "Zener Diode" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 50 Ω; 20 Ω; 0 Ω; Unknown; to learn online tutor courses. Practice special purpose diodes questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample to apply to colleges online.

Zener Diode MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 26

MCQ 126:

The data sheet for a particular zener gives VZ = 10 V at IZ = 500 mA. Z for these conditions is

  1. 20 Ω
  2. 50 Ω
  3. 0 Ω
  4. unknown
MCQ 127:

The amplifier providing amplification without any distortion is known as

  1. nonlinear amplifier
  2. linear amplifier
  3. quad amplifier
  4. woofer
MCQ 128:

Triode vacuum tube basically consists of

  1. two electrodes
  2. two cathodes
  3. three cathodes
  4. three electrodes
MCQ 129:

The occurance of conduction - band electrons falling back in holes is known as

  1. vibration
  2. ionization
  3. recombination
  4. transmission
MCQ 130:

The current in a semiconductor is produced by

  1. holes only
  2. electrons only
  3. both electrons and holes
  4. negative ions

Mock Tests: Electronic Devices Course Prep

Zener Diode Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Zener Diode MCQs App to study Zener Diode Textbook, Electronic Circuit Design MCQ App, and Software Engineering MCQs App. The "Zener Diode MCQs" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Zener Diode App (Android & iOS)

Zener Diode App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Circuit Design App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Circuit Design App (iOS & Android)

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