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Electromagnetic Theory Certification Exam Tests

Electromagnetic Theory Practice Test 47

Electromagnetic Theory Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 47

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Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 47

MCQ 231: If substrate is composed of two or more different elements, it is

A) compound
B) complex
C) atom
D) electron

MCQ 232: In a free space, E relationship with D is

A) double of permitivity
B) inversely proportional
C) directly proportional
D) no relationship exist

MCQ 233: The novelty of Kane Yee's FDTD scheme, presented in his seminal

A) 1900 paper
B) 1944 paper
C) 1966 paper
D) 1988 paper

MCQ 234: Plane which have set of points satisfying certain relationships, expressible in terms of distance and angle is known as

A) Euclidean Plane
B) Dihedral plane
C) one dimensional plane
D) zero plane

MCQ 235: The simplest analysis of the Drude model assumes that electric field E is

A) non uniform
B) uniform
C) infinite
D) random

Electromagnetic Theory Exam Prep Tests

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