Computer Science Degree Courses

Digital Logic Design Certification Exam Tests

Digital Logic Design Practice Test 82

Registers in DLD MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 82

The Registers in DLD Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Registers in DLD MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-82 to solve Digital Logic Design Practice Tests. Study Registers Counters and Memory Units quiz answers PDF, Registers in DLD Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computing courses online. The Registers in DLD MCQs App Download: Free educational app for registers in dld, introduction to integrated circuit, control implementation in asm, basic definition of boolean algebra, clocked sequential circuits analysis test prep for online computer science schools.

The MCQs: Flip-flops in registers are; "Registers in DLD" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Level triggered; Present; Edge triggered; Not present; to learn computing courses online. Practice Registers Counters and Memory Units Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for BSc computer science.

Registers in DLD MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 82

MCQ 406:

Flip-flops in registers are

  1. present
  2. level triggered
  3. edge triggered
  4. not present
MCQ 407:

TTL stands for

  1. Transmission Transistor Logic
  2. Transistor Transmission Logic
  3. Transistor-transistor Logic
  4. Transistor Transistor League
MCQ 408:

Symbolic notation R←0 represents

  1. Clear Register
  2. Move register
  3. Add contents to Register
  4. Move and add register
MCQ 409:

A variable on its own or in its complemented form is known as a

  1. product term
  2. literal
  3. sum term
  4. word
MCQ 410:

In Mealy models output are the functions of both

  1. present state
  2. input state
  3. next state
  4. both a and b

Digital Logic Design Exam Prep Tests

Registers in DLD Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Registers in DLD App (Android & iOS)

Registers in DLD App (Android & iOS)

Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Digital Logic Design App (iOS & Android)

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