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Database Systems Certification Exam Tests

Database Systems Practice Test 45

DBMS: Selection Operation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 45

The DBMS Selection Operation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (DBMS Selection Operation Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-45 to prepare Database Systems Practice Tests. Solve Query Processing MCQ with answers PDF, DBMS Selection Operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top online computer science programs. The DBMS: Selection Operation Quiz App Download: Free learning app for functional dependency theory, set operations, extended er features, dbms design process, dbms: selection operation test prep for online computer science engineering.

The Quiz: A predicate that by satisfying individual simple condition, satisfies the union of all records is called the; "DBMS: Selection Operation" App Download (Free) with answers: Disjunction condition; Conjunction condition; Negation condition; A9 condition; for top online computer science programs. Learn Query Processing Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online SQL certification courses.

DBMS: Selection Operation Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 45

MCQ 221:

A predicate that by satisfying individual simple condition, satisfies the union of all records is called the

  1. Conjunction condition
  2. Disjunction condition
  3. Negation condition
  4. A9 condition
MCQ 222:

An entity-relationship diagram provides a graphical representation of the

  1. Context
  2. Framework
  3. Schema
  4. Modules
MCQ 223:

The database user assigns entities to a given entity set, in the type of generalization's constraints

  1. Data-defined
  2. User-defined
  3. System-defined
  4. Condition-defined
MCQ 224:

If 'A' is null for a particular tuple, then the expression result must also be null for that

  1. Expression
  2. Attribute
  3. Tuple
  4. Relation
MCQ 225:

A schema is said not to be in a desirable normal form, if its relationship sets are involving

  1. One entity set
  2. Two entity sets
  3. More than two entity sets
  4. No entity sets

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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