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Computer Networks Certification Exam Tests

Computer Networks Practice Test 352

Random Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 352

The Random Access MCQ with Answers PDF (Random Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-352 to prepare Computer Networks Practice Tests. Study Multiple Access Test PDF, Random Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online bachelor's degree computer science. The Random Access MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for random access, gsm network, ipv4 addresses, analysis of algorithms, frequency reuse principle test prep to learn online school courses.

The MCQ: During collisions in the wired network, the detecting energy is almost; "Random Access" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Double; Triple; Same; Quadruple; for online bachelor's degree computer science. Practice Multiple Access Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online college courses.

Random Access MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 352

MCQ 1756:

During collisions in the wired network, the detecting energy is almost

  1. triple
  2. double
  3. same
  4. quadruple
MCQ 1757:

In Global Service for Mobile (GSM), each band is 25 MHz in width, shifted toward

  1. 400 MHz
  2. 650 MHz
  3. 750 MHz
  4. 900 MHz
MCQ 1758:

The Internet Protocol Version (IPv4) addressing is also called the classful addressing because it uses the concept of

  1. classes
  2. segments
  3. chips
  4. frames
MCQ 1759:

In unicast routing, the Dijkstra algorithm creates the shortest path tree from a

  1. graph
  2. chart
  3. station
  4. link
MCQ 1760:

Why the bridge can use the spanning-tree algorithm?

  1. to create a loopless topology
  2. filter frame
  3. to regenerate a signal
  4. discarding frame

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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