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Multilevel Multiplexing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 256

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Multilevel Multiplexing MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 256

MCQ 1276:

The practice of adding non-data bits to a binary signal before that signal is transmitted over a network is known as

  1. frame synchronizing
  2. radio signals
  3. pulse stuffing
  4. parallel
MCQ 1277:

A process that requires simple request-response communication with concern for flow and error control is called

  1. UDP
  2. ICMP
  3. TCP
  4. TCP/IP
MCQ 1278:

OSPF stands for

  1. Open Shortest Path File
  2. Open Shortest Packet First
  3. Open Shortest Path First
  4. Open System Path First
MCQ 1279:

The flag of the Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) is

  1. 111000011
  2. 10101011
  3. 10010011
  4. 11011011
MCQ 1280:

In symmetric-key cryptography both party used

  1. same keys
  2. multi keys
  3. different keys
  4. two keys

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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Multilevel Multiplexing App (Android & iOS)

Multilevel Multiplexing App (Android & iOS)

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